En ordre om baklengs marsj

Dagens Næringsliv, 20 juni 2018- replikk til DN av Turid E. Solvang, Founder/CEO FutureBoards og Vibeke Hammer Madsen, administrerende direktør i Virke. 

"Det handler ikke om pengene som tjenes. Det handler om hvordan de tjenes, og på bekostning av hvem og hva". Les replikken her. N.B. Krever innlogging. 

Turid Solvang
Et skifte er på gang i styrerommene

Dagens Næringsliv, 6 juni 2018- innlegg av Turid E. Solvang, Founder/CEO FutureBoards og Vibeke Hammer Madsen, administrerende direktør i Virke. 

Styrene må håndtere strategien for samfunnsansvar selv, ikke sette den ut til konsulenter, slik nye styringsprinsipper åpner for. Les artikkelen her

Turid Solvang
Are boards on board with new realities?

January 2018, 25th anniversary of the UK corporate Governance Code, Blog post by Turid Elisabeth Solvang

In times of great uncertainty and rapid change, we need strong standards. Corporate governance codes provide good guidance. But while companies and capital markets become more and more globalized and integrated, standards for good corporate governance remain shaped by local ownership structures and founded on national legislation, culture and traditions. Read article here.

Turid Solvang
Styreverdenen er konservativ og konserverende
Ukeavisen Ledelse_20171124.png

Ukeavisen Ledelse, 24. November 2017 - Intervju med Professor Mervyn E. King, Chair of the King Commission on Corporate Governance for South Africa og Turid E. Solvang, Founder/CEO FutureBoards.

Styrer som går fra å snakke profitt til å snakke om verdi, dette var temaet på årets FutureBoards Summit. Les artikkelen her. 

Turid Solvang
Samfunnsansvar på styrets agenda
#7/2017 - Samfunnsansvar

#7/2017 - Samfunnsansvar

Magma, nr 7/2017; Turid Elisabeth Solvang og Frøydis Jaren

Gud skapte ikke bedriftene», sier Lady Lynn Forester de Rotschild, initiativtaker til Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism, i et intervju med styremagasinet Board Agenda. Poenget hennes er at bedriften er konstruert av samfunnet, og at investorer og styrer må tenke nytt rundt begrepet kapitalisme i takt med samfunnsutviklingen. Les artikkelen her

Turid Solvang
When it comes to corporate governance, a fundamental shift is emerging

Interview with Turid Elisabeth Solvang, Founder & CEO FutureBoards - Norway Asia Business Review 2/2017

“There is more focus on corporate governance and the public has new expectations to business conduct, responsiveness and responsibility. Board members, though insignificant in number, make very significant decisions on behalf of companies, and these decisions affect not only the companies and their employees and customers, but also society around them. So, more people should care about corporate governance, about who are sitting on those boards, and what they contribute.”

Read Norway Asia Business Review 2/2017 here

Turid Solvang
Er norske styrer digitalt ansvarlige?
#06/17 - Digitalisering

#06/17 - Digitalisering

Magma, nr 6/2017; Turid Elisabeth Solvang

I et intervju med Aftenposten for to år siden hevdet jeg at norske styrer var digitale sinker. Og mener jeg det samme i dag? Det er ingen tvil om at dette temaet er svært høyt på samfunnsagendaen, men har den fjerde industrielle revolusjonen – og konsekvensene av den – nådd styrerommene? Ser vi tegn til endringer i hvem som sitter ved styrebordene, hvilken kompetanse de bringer med seg, og hvordan de arbeider? Jeg er redd svaret er et rungende TJA …, eller at i beste (verste?) fall er endringen FOR LITEN, og det går FOR SAKTE. Les artikkelen her.

Turid Solvang
Board Agenda

Board Agenda is the independent resource for a global community of executive & non-executive board directors, institutional investors and recognised industry experts, providing access to high quality journalism and shared experience about emerging issues that are shaping corporate strategy.

Interview: Turid Elisabeth Solvang, ECODA, 16 June, 2016

Trust builds the future

...Turid E. Solvang It was the business writer Stephen Covey who wrote that “trust is the glue of life,” and, “It’s the foundation principle that holds all relationships”....

Corporate reform, 6 December, 2016

Corporate reform: culture fix

...they are proving to be most effective. Everybody is surprised and pleased with the results.” Cultural hand grenades Norway’s board expert, Turid Solvang, says hand grenades are already exploding in...

European corporate governance, 6 December, 2016:

Build your company’s future on trust

...models, markets, and political and economic unrest—the value of that trust will multiply. And that is why building trust is also building your company’s future. Turid E. Solvang is president...

Governance & leadership, 14 January, 2017

2017: Key issues in the year ahead

...continue the dialogue. Turid Solvang, chairman, ecoDa (European Confederation of Directors Associations) In 2017 we will all question what good governance is, and how and by whom companies should be...

Turid Solvang
19th European Corporate Governance Conference, panel discussion

The 19th European Corporate Governance Conference took place in Bratislava on the 27th of October 2016 under the theme “Digitalisation and Transparency- transforming the future of corporate governance”. Turid Solvang was a part of the panel discussion “Challenges for the board: remuneration and transparency”. Read the key findings from the conference here, and watch the video here (2:28:30 to 2:35:15).

Turid Solvang